Data Privacy Solution for Generative AI Applications

Advanced Data Privacy Solutions preventing confidential, sensitive data from leaking into GenAI LLMs


About the project

An AI-driven Indian startup needed to build a B2B SaaS Product that provided advanced Data Privacy & Protection solutions to enable their clients to adopt GenAI seamlessly. The requirements must:
  • Prevent Data Leakage: Safeguard private data from leaking into Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Protect Against Attacks: Shield GenAI applications from jailbreaks and prompt-injection attacks.
  • Provide Enterprise Visibility: Provide CISOs and Heads of Privacy with tools to manage and monitor GenAI usage.
  • Provide Regulatory Compliance: Ensure client adherence to GDPR and India’s DPDPA.
  • Problem

    The startup needed a comprehensive solution and a platform that:

  • Detect and Mask Sensitive Data: Implement AI models capable of identifying and protecting privacy-sensitive information.
  • Ensure Data Integrity and Compliance: Replace sensitive data with synthetic, contextually relevant data and allow for re-identification when necessary.
  • Enable Enterprise-Level Security: Provide tools for vulnerability checks, policy management, and attack detection.
  • Facilitate Compliance: Support clients in meeting GDPR and DPDPA requirements.
  • Solution

    AI Models & Data Privacy
  • Privacy Detection Models: Developed SOTA AI model to identify and protect sensitive information using techniques like masking, de-identification, and anonymization.

  • B2B Portal
    • Vulnerability Management: Enabled clients to check for potential vulnerabilities and manage privacy policies.
    • Compliance Tools: Provided a comprehensive dashboard with insights into compliance status with GDPR and DPDPA.
    • Attack Detection: Integrated prompt blocking and detection mechanisms for prompt-injection attacks and jailbreaks.
    • Policy Management: Policy management for custom profiles and policies.
    • Advanced Privacy Settings: Synthetic data replacements, redaction capabilities.
    • Advanced Insights: Delivered visibility into enterprise-wide AI usage, with detailed reports for CISOs to monitor data flow and privacy compliance.

    Client SDK
    • A client SDK to integrate with their AI Agents, Applications, micro-services that interact with LLMs and on their data warehouse, Cloud Storage, Files.

    Implementation Strategy
    1. Phase 1: AI Model Development:
      • Built models tailored to each use case, focusing on privacy detection, synthetic data generation, and re-identification capabilities.
    2. Phase 2: Platform Development:
      • Created a scalable B2B portal with tools for vulnerability management, policy enforcement, and attack detection.
    3. Phase 3: Compliance and Testing:
      • Ensured the platform’s compliance with GDPR and DPDPA through rigorous testing and validation processes.

    Technologies used


    • Enhanced Data Protection: The platform successfully prevented data leakage into LLMs and protected against emerging threats.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Clients were able to meet GDPR and DPDPA standards, reducing legal risks.
    • Increased Enterprise Control: CISOs and Heads of Privacy gained comprehensive tools for monitoring and managing AI usage across their organizations.

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